Dette sier produsentene om bilstoltesten

NAF og Testfakta har valgt å teste bilstolene etter strengere kriterier enn det som er kravene etter standardene UN R129 (i-Size) og R44. En del av stolene klarer ikke kravene i vår strengere test.

Vi har gitt produsentene av stolene som kommer svakest ut i testen, anledning til å kommentere testresultatet. Nedenfor er tilbakemeldingen for de av produsentene som har valgt å kommentere resultatet:

Produsenten av Cybex Cloud Z i-Size:

Dear Sirs,

Safety of Children is our highest priority and we take your findings extremely serious. We are sincerely very surprised to hear about your findings.

  1. Until now we have performed more than 100 crash tests with this particular product in all kind of scenarios.
  2. Especially the mentioned front impact forces and EVEN HIGHER FORCES had been tested many times internally and also by independent test institutes like the German ADAC, Swedish Bäst-i-Test, Norwegian and others very renown institutes without any abnormal findings.
    - Norwegian rated the CloudZ with 1,7 as one of the best performing seat in that category
    - Swedish Bäst-i-Test rated the CloudZ with “BÄSTA PREMIUMVAL” - best seat in the premium category.
    - German “Stiftung Warentest” rated the CloudZ with 1,7 as Test Winner
    - German “ADAC” rated the CloudZ at 1,7 as the best performing seat in that category
    - … and many others
  3. We performed internally a series of extreme “high speed tests” representing an impact at 80 km/h with lower chest forces than mentioned by you.
  4. Further all our products meets and exceeds latest European Governmental Standards R129.
  5. Yesterday we performed internally additional crash tests at our test labs which also showed no increased chest forces and much lower than those reported by you.

The chest forces had always been much lower than those mentioned by you.

We are really very surprised to hear about your findings. As said, we have tested such high and even higher forces many times before, without any findings. It’s really strange and when checking all facts and data from various different institutes we can’t understand and agree with your findings.

As already mentioned, safety of children is our highest priority and we take your findings very serious and will continue our analysis.

Best regards

Johannes Schlamminger, CEO

Dr. Raoul Bader, Managing Director Technologies

Franz Peleska, Vice President Child Safety